Charity Partner

The British & Irish Lions and Rugby Australia are seeking to appoint a Lions Series Global Charity Partner for the 2025 Lions Tour to Australia.
Lions Crowd

The key objectives of the Lions Series Global Charity Partnership are to support a charity that enhances and promotes the spirit of the Game, helping to raise awareness, increase engagement and support fundraising through digital promotion and collaborative events; to create incredible experiences that broaden and deepen connections with Lions and Wallabies global fans; and to impact positively on the communities engaged with.

The GCP will run alongside the existing, official charities of the British & Irish Lions (BIL) and Rugby Australia (RA). Following a shortlisting process, a selection of charities may be invited to present their proposals to the LTAU GCP Project Team for consideration.

The deadline for submissions for interested parties is Monday 20 May 2024, with those who would like to apply requested to email Oliver Shawyer ( for more information.

Those charities who have been shortlisted, as well as unsuccessful applicants, will be notified on 10 June, with presentations from shortlisted charities to take place between 17-19 June.

LTAU intends for a decision on the GCP appointment to be confirmed and for the successful appointment to commence in early August. The partnership will run until 31 December 2025.

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